Restorative Dentistry

You should never have to settle for a less-than-perfect smile, even when you encounter an unexpected dental problem. Any time you notice an unfortunate change in your smile, call your local Discovery Dental Center immediately. Not only could an unexpected dental problem alter the way your smile looks now, but it could also diminish your overall oral health in the future.

We’ll have you meet with a doctor who will develop a comprehensive treatment plan that will restore your smile to its natural beauty. By choosing Discovery Dental Centers as your St. Louis area restorative dental care provider, you’ll know that we’re here to make sure your smile remains healthy and beautiful — no matter what.

When might I need a restorative dental treatment?

Discovery Dental Centers can provide quick and effective restorative dental treatments if you

  • unexpectedly lose a tooth
  • develop gaps between teeth
  • discover tooth decay
  • need to replace existing dental treatments
  • suffer dental pain for any reason

If you’re currently dealing with any of these issues, call your Discovery Dental Center today and schedule an appointment. Advances in modern restorative dentistry tools and procedures mean that our doctors can restore your smile with quick, painless, and affordable dentistry treatments. Our doctors can restore your smile to its natural beauty or even enhance it to look better than it ever has.

Composite Fillings

Your Discovery Dental Center doctor might recommend a composite white filling treatment if you have

  • decayed teeth
  • develop gaps between teeth
  • chipped, cracked, or broken teeth
  • worn teeth

If you’ve noticed any of these imperfections in your smile, contact your Discovery Dental Center today and schedule an appointment. Your doctor will determine if a quick and easy composite filling treatment could effectively restore your smile.

What will happen when I get a composite filling for restorative purposes?
Our doctors can typically complete a full composite filling treatment in just one visit. The procedure is simple. Your doctor will remove the decayed or otherwise damaged part of the tooth and then fill in the area with a durable resin. The resin used will be matched against the current color of the affected tooth, which generally makes restorative composite fillings invisible to the naked eye.

Your doctor will use a hand-held wand light to ensure the filling is strongly bound to the tooth. After the filling has set, your doctor will shape and polish the addition so the tooth is restored to its original shape and function. Rest assured that Discovery Dental Center doctors use quality composite filling products that last many years.

Are there any side effects to getting a composite filling?
The treated area might be sensitive to hot and cold sensations right after you get a composite filling for restorative purposes. However, the sensitivity will subside as the tooth acclimates to its new filling. As always, feel free to contact your Discovery Dental Center if you have any questions after the procedure.

Getting a composite filling treatment could be a great way to return your smile to its previous beauty, and the results will last for years. Contact your Discovery Dental Center today, and we’ll work to make sure your smile remains healthy and beautiful — no matter what unexpected problems you encounter.

Crowns (CAPS)

At Discovery Dental Centers, we frequently recommend crown treatments to patients who have

  • broken or fractured teeth
  • decayed teeth
  • large, unattractive fillings
  • pre-existing fractured fillings
  • unattractive evidence of root canal

If you’ve observed any of these problems, contact your Discovery Dental Center today and schedule an appointment. Your specialist will determine if a crown could improve the condition of your smile.

What will my crown look like?
Metal, ceramic, porcelain, and resin are a few popular material options for crown placements. Porcelain crowns are the most sought after because they closely match the color and texture of natural teeth. Your specialist will help you determine which type of crown might be best suited for your needs.

What happens when I get a crown?
Getting a crown for restorative purposes generally takes two sessions. At your first visit your specialist will remove a layer off part of the tooth you are having restored to ensure the crown will fit into its spot. Your doctor will then take a mold of your teeth that will be used to develop the crown. The crown will be specifically designed to comfortably and naturally fit into your mouth. The specialists at Discovery Dental Centers use high-quality, durable materials for crowns to ensure that they last many years.

At a second appointment, your new crown will be bonded to the tooth you wish to have restored. After your crown treatment is finished, your specialist will give you special dental care instructions and encourage you to schedule a follow-up visit to check on the crown.

Contact your Discovery Dental Center if you think a crown treatment could improve the health and appearance of your smile.


Implants are the best option for replacing a single missing tooth, or even multiple missing teeth in the same jaw. 

Other options for replacing teeth, such as traditional tooth-anchored bridges or partial dentures, require modifying other teeth or an appliance in order to fill the space, which can be a hassle to wear, keep clean and maintained, and often damage perfectly good teeth for the sake of filling space.

 Implants affect no other teeth to be done, and spare more time in the dental chair completing work on other teeth needed for traditional prostheses. When finished, a dental implant looks and functions just as a natural tooth, and research studies show time and again their success long-term to be greater than previous solutions for missing teeth. Implants are excellent for other purposes as well, such as anchoring unstable dentures, and as anchors in prostheses that replace as many as 8 or 9 teeth in one jaw. Patients who have gone years with unsatisfactory dentures or bridges find permanent and happy solutions in dental implants. Even orthodontists have begun using implants as helpers in moving teeth!

Dental implants, in any application, are a two-part system: a post inserted in the jaw, followed by an attachment above the gum line, either a single tooth or an attachment for a prosthesis. Typically, a patient will undergo a surgery to place the implant, heal for a time, and then head to the dentist for finishing. While the process can take longer than a more traditional solution, the look, feel, and function of an implant-anchored tooth replacement feels no different than the natural tooth next door, and can last a lifetime with regular brushing and flossing. 

Here at Discovery Dental we work closely with surgeons, dental labs, and dental implant manufacturers to assure our patients love their implants and can fool friends and family with a tooth that looks as natural in a smile as it feels to our patient. Talk to your dentist today to see if implants are a good solution for you!

Root Canal Treatments

Root canal treatments repair badly decayed or infected teeth.  Doctors perform root canal therapy by removing the decay in the center of a tooth and then sealing the structure to keep it from returning.

A tooth’s “root canal” is the area in the center of the tooth that houses the nerve. Outside of sensing heat and coldness, the root canal is not vital to a tooth’s function. As such, an infected or decayed nerve can be removed without affecting a tooth’s functionality.

Why might I need a root canal?
Discovery Dental Center doctors frequently recommend root canals to patients who are experiencing

  • an abscess (or pimple) on the gums
  • discoloration of a tooth
  • sensitivity to hot and cold
  • severe toothache pain
  • swelling and/or tenderness in nearby gums

If you’re currently dealing with any of these symptoms, you should schedule a consultation with your Discovery Dental Center immediately. A doctor will determine if a root canal treatment would be beneficial to your overall oral health. Sometimes, however, no symptoms are present, and a root canal treatment can only be recommended after a regular dental examination.

What happens when I get a root canal?
Depending on the severity of the problem, getting a root canal might take one or more appointments. To determine whether you need a root canal, your doctor will take an x-ray that will expose any potential problems in the damaged tooth’s bone structure.

If you need a root canal, your doctor will numb the area near the tooth. The doctor will drill an access hole into the tooth and then remove the damaged nerve and pulp. The doctor will then clean and seal the tooth to keep additional decay and infection out of the area. To ensure no decay or infection remains in the tooth, your doctor might wait until a later date to seal the tooth.

What will happen after my root canal?
The treated area might feel sensitive following your root canal. As the tooth heals, any resulting inflammation and sensitivity will subside. If the root canal required your doctor to remove a significant amount of your tooth, you might need a crown to cover the area. Adding a crown to a root canal not only restores the tooth to its original form and function, but also ensures bacteria and infection are unable to penetrate the tooth again in the future.

If you think root canal therapy could improve the quality of your smile, contact your Discovery Dental Center today to schedule a consultation.

Fixed Bridges

Fixed bridges are semi-permanent dental structures that literally “bridge” gaps left behind by missing teeth. Depending on the size and type of bridge, it might be attached to natural teeth, implants, or a combination of the two. If you’re missing one or more teeth, getting a bridge could restore your smile, maintain the natural shape of your face, and reinforce proper chewing and speaking habits.

Why might I need a fixed bridge?
Discovery Dental Center doctors frequently recommend fixed bridge treatments for patients who are missing one or more teeth. You should schedule a consultation with your doctor to determine if a fixed bridge could even out your smile and improve your overall oral health.

What will my fixed bridge look like?
What exactly your bridge will look like depends on the material used and how it’s anchored in your mouth. Metal, ceramic, porcelain, and all-resin are just a few materials that might be used in creating your bridge. Patients often request porcelain fixed bridges because the color and texture closely matches that of natural teeth. To determine which type of fixed bridge would be best suited for your needs, schedule a consultation with your Discovery Dental Center doctor.

What happens when I get a fixed bridge?
Getting a fixed bridge for restorative purposes generally takes two sessions. At the first appointment your doctor will take a mold of your teeth. This mold will be used to develop a fixed bridge that will tightly fill in the gap. Your bridge will be made of high-quality, durable products that are made to last for years.

At your second appointment, your doctor will bond the bridge onto structures within your mouth. After your treatment, your doctor will give you specific care instructions that will allow your bridge to last through extended wear and tear. As with other restorative procedures, we encourage you to schedule a follow-up visit to ensure the new structure properly adapts to your mouth.

If you have a gap in your smile, a fixed bridge treatment could allow you to enjoy a more complete smile for years to come. Contact your Discovery Dental Center today to see if a fixed bridge could restore your smile to its natural beauty.

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8:00 am-5:00 pm


8:00 am-4:00 pm


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8:00 am-4:00 pm


7:30 am-12:00 pm





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